Very few personality instruments are capable of measuring the individuality of personality. LUXXprofile is the latest instrument of its kind and is based on the most up-to-date results of motive-oriented personality research.
Motives are an expression of inner desires. They are distinct for each individual. And that is exactly the core of personality. It is important to know: People always try to satisfy their most distinct inner desires. The pursuit of having one’s desires fulfilled actually determines their experience and the way they are perceived by others.
Your personal LUXXprofile will disclose which motives have the most priority for you and how this triggers your behavior. An example: The ‘structure’ motive describes the differences in the pursuit of structuring one’s environment in a simple and clear way. If the desire for structure is strong, one tends more to act according to a plan and will be more attentive to detail. A weaker desire will trigger the urge for more spontaneity and flexibility in processes. In a work setting, a person with a high desire for structure will perform if given tasks that respect the need for planning and structure. A person with a weaker desire loves to improvise and will find a setting satisfactory that allows him or her to play out this strength.
This way, the motives form the basis on which performance develops. Providing targeted stimuli that match the individual profile can thus boost performance.
In order to assure that quality of the analysis of your individual results, you will receive your LUXXprofile by a certified LUXXprofile Master only. He or she will conduct a personal results assessment with you.
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